Tuesday, September 28, 2010

He said: I love u.. I said: "Sorry i'm allergic to bullshit"

Hmm, too much love will kill u..
sumtimes if u not believe, love will hurt u so deep..
So please be careful with your heart..

Half Wing Angel......

He said: I love u.. I said: "Sorry i'm allergic to bullshit"

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

MY 23 (part II)

Thank you, God for everything …
The big things and the small,
For “every good gift comes from God,”
The Giver of them all.
And all too often we accept
Without any thanks or praise,
The gifts God sends as blessings
Each day in many ways.
Make a wish - Jess(23) & Kittie (24) Bday - 14 Sept 2010
And so at this Thanksgiving time,
We offer up a prayer,
To thank You, God, for giving us
A lot more than our share.
First, thank You for the little things
That often come our way,
The things we take for granted,
But don’t mention when we pray.
The unexpected courtesy,
The thoughtful, kindly deed,
A hand reached out to help us
In the time of sudden need.
Oh, make us more aware, dear God,
Of little daily graces
That come to us with “sweet surprise”
From never-dreamed-of places.
Then, thank You for the “miracles”
We are much too blind to see,
And give us new awareness
Of our many gifts from Thee.
And help us to remember
That the key to life and living,
Is to make each prayer a prayer of thanks
And every day Thanksgiving..........
Thanks for my blessed BDAY...

My 23

23 - Feel so blessed...

"Have a simple life but become amazing b'coz i have LORD JESUS in my life..."

H-1 menghabiskan waktu with my beloved.. counting down the time..
On the street, keliling Manado, muter lagu R&B favorit'qu dengan volume super duper kenceng sambil make a lil'carzy dance... (hahahaha...)
Go to Nelayan, Ria Rio And The Bandar for survey and prepare place for my birthday..
And the i choose THE BANDAR for my bday place...

After that lanjut muter2 on the street sambil nunggu jam 00.01
Ke cafe di Swissbell Hotel tapi sayangnya sampe sana dah keburu tutup akhirnya kita nyari tempat di pinggir pantai...


We pray together, make a wish and i get my bday kiss (OMG, so happy...)

Pagi2 dah bangun ibadah keluarga dan anggota kelompok persekutuan doa..
Dengar firman TUHAN, dan makin di kuatkan...
Truz lanjut ke tempat kerja "NOVOTEL Manado Golf Resort & Convention Center"
Sampe kantor dapet surprise dr anak2 Sales & Marketing Deptartmen & Bu Mphit
Malam ini maw dinner bareng keluarga @ The Bandar...
Spend my time with fully blessing...
Thanks GOD for today...


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Wedding Dream...

I choose BALI for the wedding venue...


So romantic place when i said "I DO" and we belong together forever...
The perfect love: GOD, me and u.. three become one,
...Full of happiness and bless....
"We share our love together, forever"

Hmm, i imagine about my wedding gown:
Broken white gown, asimetric, unique, and lil'bit crazy...
With white shoes and white rose bucket
Everything is white and lil pink...

The wedding blessing by the beach in sunset time, OMG.. so romantic..
The way full of candle, and all decoration use white rose and white orchid...
with mini orchest and white grand piano...


Monday, September 6, 2010


Semua kekacauan seringkali membuat kita lupa :
"Bukankah Tuhan yang harus dipandang, dan bukan kekacauan itu?"..
Satu kebenaran yang pasti adalah :"ketika Tuhan memulai, TIDAK ada satupun yang dapat menghalangi...
Untuk itu saat kau percaya, percayalah sungguh2..
Karena dalam Tuhan hanya ada YA diatas YA, dan TIDAK di atas TIDAK...
Jadi ketika Tuhan memulihkan...itu berarti SUNGGUH2 memulihkan." JUST BELIEVE..!!

Jazz said:
>> Bahkan saat keadaan berubah tidak baikpun, kasih`MU tetap dapat qu rasakan... Keadaan silahkan berubah menjadi tidak baik, orang2 silahkan menghakimi & silahkan bicara apaaa saja, hati boleh hancur dgn semua makian itu, tapi 1 hal yg akan qu lakukan :
“Tetap tenang & percaya TUHAN PASTI menyelesaikan semuanya & memulih...kan, menguatkan hati'qu utk mengampuni & tetap mengasihi”


“Learn to FORGIVE” ••
I forgive everything that hurt me b`coz of U GOD, b`coz I love U LORD..
Every part that hurt me, in the name of JESUS "I forgive now" so I can say to all d problem: “Hey problem, My GOD bigger then u” and I'm finish wif u all...!!
(^^,) Good job JJ...

Hmmm, i'm finish now..
Praise LORD..!!
